More Patients Seek Knee, Hip Replacements in Middle Age: Surgeon  NBC Chicago

Knee and hip replacements are traditionally considered to be surgeries considered later in life, but more and more, younger patients are seeking out the …

More Patients Seek Knee, Hip Replacements in Middle Age: Surgeon – NBC Chicago


The Yoga-Pilates Fusion Workout for a Strong, Tight Butt
This week's Grokker video is a salute to those glutes. The mat routine below incorporate Pilates moves and yogic breathing for an easy-to-follow workout that's perfect for beginners (but more advanced exercisers will still feel the burn). The workout

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The Yoga-Pilates Fusion Workout for a Strong, Tight Butt – Greatist

Exercise extraordinaire: Pilates is a way of life for some
Green Valley News
Pilates may not work up a sweat like some hardcore aerobic workouts, but more and more seniors are signing up. Those who swear by Pilates (pronounced “pill-ah-tees”) are drawn to it because it makes them feel better without the strain of high impact 

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Exercise extraordinaire: Pilates is a way of life for some – Green Valley News