
Kick Off Your Pilates Routine with Deflated Balls
Yes, to be a good football player you have to, according to FitDay.com, “possess the qualities of strength, speed, agility and stamina.” But you also need balls, and using a slightly deflated one as a Pilates workout prop could help you up your game.

The rest is here:
Kick Off Your Pilates Routine with Deflated Balls – EmpowHer

Yoga plus Pilates equals Yogalates – WBIR-TV


Yoga plus Pilates equals Yogalates
“You mix the best of yoga and Pilates together. So you kind of get the different relaxation and stretching poses of yoga but you also get the core work and toning of Pilates.” Wood is the Studio Manager of The Practice Yoga in Bearden. She says it's

See original here:
Yoga plus Pilates equals Yogalates – WBIR-TV