A water workout so hard that just standing up is an accomplishment  Los Angeles Times

Don’t be afraid to fall. Part of the workout is getting back up during this strength-and-aerobic workout conducted on stand-up paddleboards.

The rest is here:
A water workout so hard that just standing up is an accomplishment – Los Angeles Times

Portsmouth area community calendar
Aqua-Fitness 2: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:45-9:45 am Shallow and deep water workout incorporating Pilates and yoga for building core strength. Intermediate and advance level. Aqua-Fitness Tuesdays, 6-7 pm For all levels. Aquacise: Tuesdays, Wednesdays

and more »

Continued here:
Portsmouth area community calendar – Seacoastonline.com

VTA light rail plans express trains in attempt to speed up service
San Jose Mercury News
The schedule will include yoga, hip hop, Body Zen, a nature hike, body sculpt boot camp, basketball, pilates and a weight-loss water workout.
Rio Hondo College breaks ground on new Student Services complex, quadWhittier Daily News
RIO HONDO COLLEGE NOTEBOOK: Roadrunners qualify for playoffsSan Bernardino Sun

all 10 news articles »

Here is the original post:
VTA light rail plans express trains in attempt to speed up service – San Jose Mercury News