She played a comically brusque lawyer on Fox's “Ally McBeal,” one of “Charlie's Angels” in two films and a fictionalized version of herself on HBO's “Sex and the City,” but Lucy Liu is more than the sum of her acting parts. She also is a passionate human-rights advocate, author and artist. To…

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Lucy Liu embraces elements of meditation, fitness and napping

She played a comically brusque lawyer on Fox's “Ally McBeal,” one of “Charlie's Angels” in two films and a fictionalized version of herself on HBO's “Sex and the City,” but Lucy Liu is more than the sum of her acting parts. She also is a passionate human-rights advocate, author and artist. To…

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Lucy Liu embraces elements of meditation, fitness and napping

1D's Harry Styles takes up Pilates

One Direction's Harry Styles has taken up Pilates to sort out his posture. Related Stories Berlin fest opens with Kruger film Swap Shop medal tops for Cousins Goodman and Eastwood make Trouble Portman back to work with two films Mills denies playing voicemail

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1D's Harry Styles takes up Pilates