Skip the boredom: Three fun Pilates DVDs
ConsumerSearch Productopia (blog)
Pilates is known for helping to sculpt a longer, and leaner body. The concentrated, exacting movements and breathing patterns help tone the torso and define muscles. But for fitness junkies who prefer a

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Skip the boredom: Three fun Pilates DVDs – ConsumerSearch Productopia (blog)

The jig is (almost) up for Riverdance's cascade of clickety clickety clacks
Edmonton Journal
As for workouts, Pilates? Don't make me laugh. Traditional Irish step-dancing is a combination of dazzlingly intricate footwork, hard-clacking tap, frenetic ankle flicks and leg kicks -while the torso and the arms remain eerily immobile.

and more »

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The jig is (almost) up for Riverdance’s cascade of clickety clickety clacks – Edmonton Journal

The jig is (almost) up for Riverdance's cascade of clickety clickety clacks
Edmonton Journal
As for workouts, Pilates? Don't make me laugh. Traditional Irish step-dancing is a combination of dazzlingly intricate footwork, hard-clacking tap, frenetic ankle flicks and leg kicks -while the torso and the arms remain eerily immobile.

and more »

See the rest here:
The jig is (almost) up for Riverdance’s cascade of clickety clickety clacks – Edmonton Journal