Army Revises Training to Deal With Unfit Recruits
New York Times
Exercises that look like pilates or yoga routines are in. And the traditional bane of the new private, the long run, has been downgraded.

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Army Revises Training to Deal With Unfit Recruits – New York Times

Warwick – Its only a couple of weeks away and although it may be hard to imagine, the Downtown Warwick Merchants 13th Anniversary of the traditional celebration of Ladies Night Out and Queen for a Day may be even more spectacular than previous years.

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Warwick merchants plan for Ladies Night Out and Queen for a Day.

Product Review: FitDeck Mobile v2.0 Pilates App for BlackBerry (blog)
The Pilates Deck has 50 exercises, including pre-Pilates exercises such as knee sways and knee hugs, the traditional Pilates mat exercises such as The

Excerpt from:
Product Review: FitDeck Mobile v2.0 Pilates App for BlackBerry – (blog)

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