On and Off the Mat: 15 Starlets Who Choose Pilates
FitSugar.com (blog)
Pilates was my introduction into fitness. The workout challenges your core with the end result being a longer, leaner, and more-toned you. And if you keep with it regularly, you'll be showing off a set of sexy, sculpted abs.

Excerpt from:
On and Off the Mat: 15 Starlets Who Choose Pilates – FitSugar.com (blog)

On and Off the Mat: 15 Starlets Who Choose Pilates
FitSugar.com (blog)
Pilates was my introduction into fitness. The workout challenges your core with the end result being a longer, leaner, and more-toned you. And if you keep with it regularly, you'll be showing off a set of sexy, sculpted abs.

Continue reading here:
On and Off the Mat: 15 Starlets Who Choose Pilates – FitSugar.com (blog)