Fitness studio holding open house to highlight its multi-purpose facility  Southgate News Herald

Just in time for all of those New Year’s resolutions to get in shape and become more physically fit, New Heights Fitness Studio in Trenton is launching an open …

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Fitness studio holding open house to highlight its multi-purpose facility – Southgate News Herald

7 benefits of Pilates –

7 benefits of Pilates
By the age of 14, Joseph Pilates had become so physically fit that he was hired to pose for anatomical charts. Proper posture and form, and the correct breathing techniques, had helped him gain back his health. Now, he was determined to pass on what he …

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7 benefits of Pilates –


Corpin's Pacific Coast Pilates Thrives in Palisades Highlands
“It's never too late to start Pilates,” said Corpin, whose clients include men and women (age 15 to 70) who are physically fit or just beginning an exercise regimen. “It strengthens bones and posture, and is about using the entire body, without

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Corpin’s Pacific Coast Pilates Thrives in Palisades Highlands – Palisadian-Post

Debbie O’Connor was never the type to spend hours at the gym pumping iron or running laps around the track. So when the Woodbridge resident was looking to become more physically fit, she signed up for a yoga class at Balance Studio, a yoga center in her town.

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EAT, PRAY, OM: Yoga gets a boost from book, new film