Henley Standard

Now pilates is as easy as ABC for children as well as adults
Henley Standard
PILATES ABC Henley is owned by local resident Alyth Yealland. She says: “I am so lucky to have such a rewarding job — it's wonderful watching my clients progress, noticing the improvements in posture and movement as the months go by. I keep my classes …

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Now pilates is as easy as ABC for children as well as adults – Henley Standard

Plan your surf fitness schedule
I have one day completely free, and the remaining mornings are spent creatively playing with a range of Yoga postures, Pilates sequences and surf specific conditioning exercises at my own pace. Lately I have been noticing the benefits of the

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Plan your surf fitness schedule – Drift

Plan your surf fitness schedule
Drift | Perspective(s) in surfing
I have one day completely free, and the remaining mornings are spent creatively playing with a range of Yoga postures, Pilates sequences and surf specific conditioning exercises at my own pace. Lately I have been noticing the benefits of the

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Read the rest here:
Plan your surf fitness schedule – Drift | Perspective(s) in surfing