Alycea Ungaro, P.T., author and celebrity Pilates instructor whose clients have included Madonna, Christy Turlington, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Uma Thurman, has teamed up with Vook, a leading digital publisher, to transform her top-selling title – the 15 Minute Everyday Pilates Series â into a mixed-media reading experience.  The Vook’s unique hybrid format seamlessly combines Ungaro’s text …

Read the rest here:
New Vook Connects Fitness Lovers to Celebrity Pilates Instructor

Madonna likes to go by subway – Inrumor

Daily Mail

Madonna likes to go by subway
Many people saw Madonna during her Pilates session or an adoption agency, but no one was expected seeing her in the subway. New Yorkers are accustomed to
Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway YesterdayGawker

all 20 news articles »

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Madonna likes to go by subway – Inrumor

# surprises Yesterday, Madonna actually deigned to take the subway , New York ‘s most proletariat conveyance. When she’s in town, you might expect to see her going to Pilates or an adoption agency or something. But the subway ? How could we miss this? More »

Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway Yesterday [Surprises]

Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway Yesterday
When she's in town, you might expect to see her going to Pilates or an adoption agency or something. But the subway? How could we miss this?

and more »

Originally posted here:
Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway Yesterday – Gawker

The Madonna Arm Diaries
Santa Barbara Independent
While Pilates was a sort of cultural revelation of the '00s, it is the parent, it seems, to a spawn of similar fitness trends: exercise systems that focus

Continued here:
The Madonna Arm Diaries – Santa Barbara Independent

Work out like the stars with Madonna's personal trainer
Sunday Mercury
It's very lucid and flowing,” says James, the pilates guru who has also helped Gwyneth Paltrow through her two pregnancies.

Read the rest here:
Work out like the stars with Madonna’s personal trainer – Sunday Mercury

Why even Madonna is doing Barre 3
She took to joint-friendly activities such as yoga, Pilates and swimming. One day, she attended a new class called Barre 3 in Portland, Oregon.

Go here to see the original:
Why even Madonna is doing Barre 3 –

How YOU can get an A-list body

EXCLUSIVE Fitness guru James D’Silva has sculpted the bodies of Madonna, Trudie Styler and Gwyneth Paltrow. Here he tells Claire O’Boyle some of the stars’ secrets, and puts her through her paces..

The rest is here:
How YOU can get an A-list body

Munich – The titles of books about the Pilates Method promise plenty – sexy buttocks, a flat abdomen and good looks. And the perfectly toned body of US pop star Madonna, avowed fan of the fitness system, seems to offer proof that Pilates can indeed…

Excerpt from:
Pilates focuses on body’s core muscles (

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