
Supermodel Pilates Secrets Revealed
The caption refers to Naomi's favourite London trainer, Dave Higgins, who founded studio TenPilates; the pioneers of dynamic pilates, a more intense form of the popular exercise class. In an interview with Harpers Bazaar, the supermodel recently

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Supermodel Pilates Secrets Revealed – FemaleFirst.co.uk

*In the August issue of Harpers Bazaar, 28-year-old Wimbledon champ Serena Williams says it took her two decades to accept that her body was never going to be as lean as her older sister Venus. Im super-curvy. I have big boobs and this massive butt. Shes tall and shes like a model and she […]

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Serena: I Have Big Boobs and This Massive Butt

Serena Williams is Body Conscious

Tennis star talks diet and exercise Rachel Owens Serena Williams may have another Wimbledon trophy, however, the tennis star is still vulnerable to the same self esteem issues that everyday women suffer from. Williams says that she is self-conscious about certain areas of her body. In the latest issue of Harpers Bazaar, Williams says that she used to want to look like her tall, more slender …

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Serena Williams is Body Conscious