Big Bear businesses want to open | Big Bear Valley News  Big Bear Grizzly

See the original post:
Big Bear businesses want to open | Big Bear Valley News – Big Bear Grizzly

Believing is achieving | Big Bear Now  Big Bear Grizzly

Tina Follett has faced plenty of adversity in her life. She’s come out on the other side stronger and happier than ever.

Go here to see the original:
Believing is achieving | Big Bear Now – Big Bear Grizzly

Pilates with a punch – Big Bear Grizzly

Pilates with a punch
Big Bear Grizzly
Boxing and Pilates don't seem like they would work together, but in fact find a symmetry that has the participant using his or her core strength while throwing powerful punches and incorporating a dance-like routine that is tightly choreographed

Originally posted here:
Pilates with a punch – Big Bear Grizzly

Experience fitness through flexibility
Big Bear Grizzly
Mat Science, a pilates and yoga combination class, is based on a progressive series of exercises that accommodates all fitness levels. The goal is to increase strength, flexibility and balance focusing on breathing and mindful movement.

and more »

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Experience fitness through flexibility – Big Bear Grizzly