Dating While Dying – The New York Times

Dating While Dying  The New York Times

I found myself terminally ill and unexpectedly single at 40. I didn’t know which was more terrifying.

Here is the original post:
Dating While Dying – The New York Times


We Tried This: The SLT Megaformer Workout
However, when I found myself death-gripping a pair of handlebars on the Megaformer machine, while willing my feet to keep pushing and my quivering abs to hold steady, I finally understood why SLT owner Amanda Freeman describes the class as “Pilates

Continued here:
We Tried This: The SLT Megaformer Workout – TIME

Walking and Talking Pilates Health
I was recently reminded of an occasion where I found myself in a restroom where a woman was getting ready to go out on stage and give a speech to a large

See the original post here:
Walking and Talking Pilates – Health