Dubbed 'pilates on steroids', we put the Megaformer to the test
The Daily Telegraph
The pilates reference in the slogan had me fooled into thinking this 50-minute workout would be calm and perhaps even boring, so I bounced into the Military Rd studio feeling quietly confident. Then I was faced with my own personal torture chamber and …

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Dubbed ‘pilates on steroids’, we put the Megaformer to the test – The Daily Telegraph

Kim Kardashian, Sophia Vergara and Jennifer Aniston are fans, so we put the
The Daily Telegraph
The pilates reference in the slogan had me fooled into thinking this 50-minute workout would be calm and perhaps even boring, so I bounced into the Military Rd studio feeling quietly confident. Then I was faced with my own personal torture chamber and …

and more »

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Kim Kardashian, Sophia Vergara and Jennifer Aniston are fans, so we put the … – The Daily Telegraph