
4 Rules For Designing Wearable Tech That People Will Actually Wear
I have been designing new consumer electronics and wearable tech for years, with a focus most recently on creating equipment that helps Pilates students to perform their exercises correctly. I avidly practice Pilates but have found it quite time-consuming.

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Originally posted here:
4 Rules For Designing Wearable Tech That People Will Actually Wear – Co.Design


3 Rules For Designing Wearable Tech That People Will Actually Wear
I have been designing new consumer electronics and wearable tech for years. with a focus most recently on creating equipment that helps Pilates students to perform their exercises correctly. I avidly practice Pilates but have found it quite time consuming.

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Read more from the original source:
3 Rules For Designing Wearable Tech That People Will Actually Wear – Co.Design