Owning a dog now pricier than entry-level BMW  Daily Telegraph

See more here:
Owning a dog now pricier than entry-level BMW – Daily Telegraph

A 65-year-old Norwell woman, who was driving a 2010 BMW X5 SUV and was in a hurry to make her Pilates class, refused to accept a traffic ticket from a Cohasset police officer in the Town Parking Lot on Friday (Aug. 13)…..

See the rest here:
Norwell woman refuses to take traffic ticket in Cohasset

COHASSET POLICE/Norwell woman refuses to take traffic ticket from officer
Cohasset Mariner
A 65-year-old Norwell woman, who was driving a 2010 BMW X5 SUV and was in a hurry to make her Pilates class, refused to accept a traffic ticket

Go here to see the original:
COHASSET POLICE/Norwell woman refuses to take traffic ticket from officer – Cohasset Mariner