We’re all in this together – the benefits of group fitness  Hiawatha World

Ready, set, go! When challenged to a race or contest, you give it your all for a better chance at bragging rights. The added competition may have helped …

Excerpt from:
We’re all in this together – the benefits of group fitness – Hiawatha World

Healthy high: Oxygen bars are the unique corporate event add-ons that are catching on  ROI-NJ.com

Fadja Robert-Carr said there’s a reasonable chance you have heard of an oxygen bar. And a better chance you have never tried it. Yet. “It is still such a novel …

See original here:
Healthy high: Oxygen bars are the unique corporate event add-ons that are catching on – ROI-NJ.com

Yogilates is gaining in popularity in Rapid City where there there is a better chance than ever that you or someone you know has sweat through sun salutations or balanced in the boat pose.

Read the original here:
Taking a stance: Yoga, Pilates and yogilates bring practitioners strength, flexibility and peace