Dog owners four times more likely to meet weekly exercise levels

Dogs are keeping Britain active, with owners far more likely to meet weekly exercise targets than people without pets, new research shows.

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Dog owners four times more likely to meet weekly exercise levels –

Best Fitness & Dance Studios In DFW

Pilates, yoga, cycling, jazz, tap, ballet, Zumba, belly dancing and even pole dancing are some of the ways that people are keeping themselves slim and trim while having fun.

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Best Fitness & Dance Studios In DFW

The back pain workout

A recent survey by the Confederation of British Industry found that, although British workers are taking fewer sickies just 180 million sick days last year, the lowest number since 1987 the usual suspects are keeping them away from the office: “mental health issues” such as stress, anxiety and depression, and good old-fashioned back pain. According to the Health and Safety Executive, back …

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The back pain workout