If you’re only passing through, you probably always thought Lord Seaton Road was the 401 eastbound entrance from Yonge. But the on-ramp actually merges with this residential North York street, which winds through the St. Andrew-Windfield community, creating a tangle of asphalt ribbon and traffic islands just south of the highway. It meets Yonge Street at a busy signalled intersection.

Read more here:
Worst Intersections: Yonge Street and Lord Seaton Road

As a teenager, Tanya Shilling always thought she’d missed the boat on ballet because she hadn’t stuck with it when she was younger. Then, in her early 20s, she sprained her ankle playing volleyball. Her doctor’s prescription for strengthening the joint: ballet….

See the original post here:
Dancers build strength, flexibility with grace (The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star)