ABC2 News

Mila Kunis keen to beat the paparazzi to Pilates
ABC2 News
MILA KUNIS has started getting up before dawn in a bid to get an early Pilates session in before the paparazzi start bothering her. The actress claims she can't leave her home in Hollywood after 7am because she always gets snapped in her sweatpants,

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Mila Kunis keen to beat the paparazzi to Pilates – ABC2 News

Mila Kunis keen to beat the paparazzi to Pilates
MILA KUNIS has started getting up before dawn in a bid to get an early Pilates session in before the paparazzi start bothering her. The actress claims she can't leave her home in Hollywood after 7am because she always gets snapped in her sweatpants,

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