Letter | If you don’t ride the bus, don’t opine about the train  Santa Cruz Sentinel

I love the letters about the train. I love trains as much as Justice Kavanaugh loves beer. However, if you never ride the bus you can’t opine about the train.

See original here:
Letter | If you don’t ride the bus, don’t opine about the train – Santa Cruz Sentinel


The benefits of Pilates and why you'll discover muscles you never knew existed
A class at Ireland's best-equipped Pilates studio in Clontarf will stretch you to your limit and you'll discover muscles you never even knew existed. I'm stretched out on my back on a bench called the Cadillac, gazing at what appear to be fluffy

Read more:
The benefits of Pilates and why you’ll discover muscles you never knew existed – Herald

Even if you never intend to dance onstage at Lincoln Center, like Natalie Portman’s character in “Black Swan,” you probably want to look as if you do (minus, of course, her stab wound).

Read this article:
Women Ditching Yoga and Pilates for Ballet-Inspired Classes