Paulina Porizkova, 55, and lookalike mother, 74, show off their abs  Daily Mail

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Paulina Porizkova, 55, and lookalike mother, 74, show off their abs – Daily Mail

Duff, Comrie love the gym – CANOE

Duff, Comrie love the gym
Other days, they get their abs on at a private pilates studio, which specializes in something called “piloxing.” At the local gym they swim and do weights. Then, at least twice a week, they burn another 700 calories an hour at a place called SoulCycle,
Hilary Duff wants husband to be stay-at-home dadMonsters and

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Duff, Comrie love the gym – CANOE

Duff, Comrie love the gym
Toronto Sun
Other days, they get their abs on at a private pilates studio, which specializes in something called “piloxing.” At the local gym they swim and do weights. Then, at least twice a week, they burn another 700 calories an hour at a place called SoulCycle,

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Duff, Comrie love the gym – Toronto Sun