Fit Pix: Pilates helps motivate friends

Lisa Carlson, Roz Barhaugh, Susan Wick and Tobi Watson have been taking a Pilates class every week for more than two years. They take the class to stay in shape and use each other for support and motivation.

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Fit Pix: Pilates helps motivate friends

Pilates plus paddling is a hard workout!

A local Pilates instructor got the idea to take the workout to the water on a paddle board.

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Pilates plus paddling is a hard workout!

Active 8: Paddle Pilates – News 8 Austin

News 8 Austin

Active 8: Paddle Pilates
News 8 Austin
As if Pilates wasn't hard enough, Hill Country Surf founder Matt Thomson has teamed up with Mauro Pilates Body instructor, Liana Mauro, to take the workout

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Active 8: Paddle Pilates – News 8 Austin

# surprises Yesterday, Madonna actually deigned to take the subway , New York ‘s most proletariat conveyance. When she’s in town, you might expect to see her going to Pilates or an adoption agency or something. But the subway ? How could we miss this? More »

Shocker: Madonna Actually Rode the Subway Yesterday [Surprises]

It’s summer: Take a workout outdoors

WHEN THE WEATHER turns warm, ditch the gym and take the workout outside. Parks, beaches, hiking trails and even urban landscapes offer great opportunities to tax the cardiovascular system and strengthen muscles.

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It’s summer: Take a workout outdoors

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