Incompetent co-ordination strikes at Pilates
Irish Independent
A friend asked me recently if I was interested in going to pilates. A part of me wanted to run away from any form of exercise, and another, much smaller, part of me wanted to endeavour to counteract the booze and the food and embrace some form of body 

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Incompetent co-ordination strikes at Pilates – Irish Independent

Whitehorse Leader

VIDEO: High-flying action in the burbs
Whitehorse Leader
They offer classes, as well as trapeze yoga and pilates. Picture: ANGIE BASDEKISE A TRAPEZE school tucked away in leafy, suburban Blackburn is helping Melburnians of all ages live the dream of joining the circus – without having to run away to do it.

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VIDEO: High-flying action in the burbs – Whitehorse Leader