New fitness DVDS for the older set

Richard Simmons, Tannis Kobrinsky, Judi Sheppard Missett and Andrea Metcalf will make you sweat with fitness DVDs. If you need proof that regular exercise is a prescription for a more youthful body and mind, look no further than the fitness icons from the aerobics-heavy 1980s. Some of the instructors who first burst onto the scene in spandex are out there promoting new fitness DVDs, decades …

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New fitness DVDS for the older set

Cardio Kickboxing Class Packs a Punch
Burke Connection
From “Buns of Steel” to Pilates, to Richard Simmons workout videos, cardio kickboxing has remained an exercise trend that many people do to break a sweat,

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Cardio Kickboxing Class Packs a Punch – Burke Connection

If ever you needed motivation to exercise, imagine being in a room with Americas fitness icons – Jane Fonda, Denise Austin, Richard Simmons and Billy Blanks, just to name a few.

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World Fitness Day brings fitness icons together

Four faces of fitness lead the charge

Billy Blanks, Richard Simmons, Debbie Allen and Denise Austin will fire up the crowds at World Fitness Day.

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Four faces of fitness lead the charge