Fitness expert Adrienne Herbert on the importance of a morning ‘power hour’  Evening Standard

Adrienne Herbert is a mother-of-one, podcaster, Fiit trainer and ambassador for Origins and Adidas.

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Fitness expert Adrienne Herbert on the importance of a morning ‘power hour’ – Evening Standard

Tonganoxie Recreation Commission free health class: Yoga/Pilates
Tonganoxie Mirror
The classes will be a Yoga/Pilates class at 6:30 pm Monday, April 16, and Power Hour, a mix of step aerobics, plyometrics, resistance bands and stability balls, starting at 8:30 am Saturday, April 21. A Stretch 'n Grow class for children ages 3-6 will

Here is the original post:
Tonganoxie Recreation Commission free health class: Yoga/Pilates – Tonganoxie Mirror