Christina Ricci defines vintage
And I'm doing my Pilates exercises at night, when I'm watching television.” “My Pilates instructor wrote out three different routines for me. I've worked out, OK, this one I can do in my dressing room, and this one in the studio at lunch .
Christina Ricci Nylon magazine September 2011Bosh
Christina Ricci dieting for Pan Am bikini

all 9 news articles »

Here is the original post:
Christina Ricci defines vintage –

Christina Ricci Nylon magazine September 2011
And I'm doing my Pilates exercises at night, when I'm watching television.” She orders an omelet and a Diet Coke. “My Pilates instructor wrote out three different routines for me,” she continues. “I've worked out, OK, this one I can do in my dressing
Christina Ricci dieting for Pan Am bikini

all 6 news articles »

Original post:
Christina Ricci Nylon magazine September 2011 – Bosh

The Best, Barre None?

ARE you looking for the next new killer workout? Check out three for the price of one with barre3, created from the combination of ballet, pilates and yoga.

Excerpt from:
The Best, Barre None?