News of the World

Lived well Vs Well lived
News of the World
She keeps young with Pilates sessions, a healthy diet and anti-cellulite treatments. Jennifer says: “I tried Botox once and it was really not good for me.

See original here:
Lived well Vs Well lived – News of the World

Flab happens, even to feminists
Globe and Mail
I wore it once and the best thing I can say about it is it made me take a vow: I will go to Pilates faithfully, force myself to Aquafit at least once a week

and more »

The rest is here:
Flab happens, even to feminists – Globe and Mail

Fat camps for grown-ups: Do they work?

Five years ago, Juli Ackerman never thought she’d be able to buy an off-the-rack wedding dress. At 5 feet 10 inches, the software-company executive from Newport, California, then 40, was 280 pounds. Her weight had always fluctuated, but she decided that she wanted to slim down once and for all.

Read this article:
Fat camps for grown-ups: Do they work?