Showing her strength – Daily Gleaner

Showing her strength
Daily Gleaner
The wife, mother, business owner and Pilates instructor has channelled any nerves she might have felt and used focus and determination to

Showing her strength – Daily Gleaner

Tattoos and dog food, cold meds and cannoli, inner cleansing and eternal salvation: There are, it seems, a few employee benefits Philadelphia schools chief Arlene Ackerman might have overlooked.

See the rest here:
Philly’s job perks: Viagra, tattoos, and doggie treats

It’s not just celebs like Stephanie Beacham who are glamorous grannies. These five women might have grandkids, but there’s not a grey hair or walking stick in sight…

See original here:
We’re the GLAM-MAS! (News Of The World)

Making your body move (Stuff)

I was not a sporty kid. I thought I might have been turning a corner when I was in Std 4 (year six) when I caught a ball on the full during the end-of-term sports day. Fuelled with confidence I went for it again. And yes, I caught another ball on the full during rounders….and managed to rip all the ligaments in my thumb and had to have my hand strapped up for weeks.

Go here to see the original:
Making your body move (Stuff)

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