Got A Stiff Neck Due To Your Bad Posture? Try 'Pilates For Text Necks' For Relief
Kimberly Fielding the creator and director of a class called “Pilates for Text Necks” in New York City has taken it upon herself to address this situation. Fielding states that repetitive gazing into your screens puts a lot of strain on your neck and

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Got A Stiff Neck Due To Your Bad Posture? Try ‘Pilates For Text Necks’ For Relief –

Pilates Class Takes On 'Text Neck' Syndrome
Voice of America
One Pilates class in New York City — “Pilates for Text Necks” — is tackling this 21st century malady. “The more and more that people are texting and being on their computers,” said Kimberly Fielding, creator of the class and director of teacher

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Pilates Class Takes On ‘Text Neck’ Syndrome – Voice of America