Think you're in great shape? Try these 'Pilates on steroids' classes in …
Colorado Springs Gazette
Got a strong core? How about those inner thigh muscles? Think they're tight…

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Think you’re in great shape? Try these ‘Pilates on steroids’ classes in … – Colorado Springs Gazette

Los Angeles Times

Good Form: Pilates ring adds intensity to workout
Los Angeles Times
Props like this Pilates ring can help spice up your workout by challenging muscles in new ways. To add intensity to your obliques (side abdominal muscles) and adductors (inner thigh muscles), try this new move.

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Good Form: Pilates ring adds intensity to workout – Los Angeles Times

Props like this Pilates ring can help spice up your workout by challenging muscles in new ways. To add intensity to your obliques (side abdominal muscles) and adductors (inner thigh muscles), try this new move.

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Good Form: Pilates ring adds intensity to workout