
Exercise studio raises the barre
The studio combines yoga, ballet and Pilates. All of the classes incorporate the barre, a wooden bar usually mounted to walls of ballet studios and used for balance. Conway, 30, has been in the fitness industry for 11 years. She started out teaching

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Exercise studio raises the barre – RichmondBizSense

Hey Garance! We're Not 'New York Skinny' and We're Proud Of It!
New York skinny means thin to the brink, yet muscly from Pilates because it gives you those super long lean muscles.” As a New Yorker who has lived in the city for six years and worked in the fashion industry for most of it, I just want to clarify
Garance Doré Compares 'New York Skinny' & 'Paris Skinny'BlackBook Magazine

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Hey Garance! We’re Not ‘New York Skinny’ and We’re Proud Of It! – Fashionista