Tucker Carlson: Democrats have lost the Trump impeachment war. Even Adam Schiff knows it  Fox News

Continued here:
Tucker Carlson: Democrats have lost the Trump impeachment war. Even Adam Schiff knows it – Fox News

After eight classes, my Broadview Heights Recreation Center workout has come to an end. I tried each class and all of them were fun and did help me towards my goal of a better, slimmer me. During the last few months, I have lost 10 pounds exercising once a week.

See more here:
Fun classes and lots of variety at Broadview Heights Recreation Center: Working it Out with Tara Quinn

Star Jones Writing Novel About Daytime Talk Show Revenge
Huffington Post (blog)
that she and her co-hosts were forced to lie after Jones got gastric bypass surgery but claimed to have lost weight through portion control and pilates.

Star Jones Writing Novel About Daytime Talk Show Revenge – Huffington Post (blog)

NAPLES —Many seniors come to me and say “Doc, I have just completely lost my game” or “you are my last hope” or “I have lost 75 yards on my drive; I can’t hit it solid anymore; my handicap has gone up eight points, and when I do starting hitting it good, all of a sudden a shank raises its ugly head.”They say, “I have a unique problem; I hit it both short and crooked.” Nice combination right …

Follow this link:
Jim Suttie: Increase your swing arc with age (Naples Daily News)