‘I had my fascia kneaded out like dough and this is what happened’  Body and Soul

Hands up if you know where your fascia is… Anyone? Nope? Okay great, because neither did I. Truth be told, it’s a little complicated as far as anatomy goes.

Read the original here:
‘I had my fascia kneaded out like dough and this is what happened’ – Body and Soul

Kipona 2019 event guide: How and when to see the Labor Day weekend races, dances, music and fireworks  PennLive

Harrisburg’s 103rd annual Kipona Festival is just around the corner. The riverfront festival – which officially dates back to 1916, though the tradition itself goes …

Follow this link:
Kipona 2019 event guide: How and when to see the Labor Day weekend races, dances, music and fireworks – PennLive

Kipona 2019 event guide: How and when to see the Labor Day weekend races, dances, music and fireworks  PennLive

Harrisburg’s 103rd annual Kipona Festival is just around the corner. The riverfront festival – which officially dates back to 1916, though the tradition itself goes …

Follow this link:
Kipona 2019 event guide: How and when to see the Labor Day weekend races, dances, music and fireworks – PennLive