Aloha: This time, it’s not a goodbye: LA trainer relocates, streams classes at request of students  Los Altos Town Crier

After a month of working with various technologies, a new projector with better image quality has proven to be a game changer, and her live classes are coming …

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Aloha: This time, it’s not a goodbye: LA trainer relocates, streams classes at request of students – Los Altos Town Crier

Kansas City Live Why a foam roller is a game changer for anyone who exercises KC  KSHB

Do you exercise? If so, a foam roller can be a game changer for your body.

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Kansas City Live Why a foam roller is a game changer for anyone who exercises KC – KSHB

Why we’re so excited about Richard Branson’s new luxury cruise line, Virgin Voyages  woman&home

Richard Branson’s new cruise line, Virgin Voyages, is set to be a game changer in the industry. Here’s what we love about it. Way back in 2015, Richard …

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Why we’re so excited about Richard Branson’s new luxury cruise line, Virgin Voyages – woman&home

3 classes could change your body
The Coloradoan
Yoga, Pilates and Barre classes could be a game changer for those seeking to improve their fitness in 2012. / Gannett Whether your new year's resolution is to lose 10 pounds or just get healthy, adding a few classes to your workout routine can keep you

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3 classes could change your body – The Coloradoan