A day for Maddie fundraiser to be held July 13  Hudson Valley 360

CATSKILL — A Day for Maddie ~You might recognize this beautiful mother & daughter duo from our social media accounts or in person from our Catskill studio.

Read the original here:
A day for Maddie fundraiser to be held July 13 – Hudson Valley 360

Introducing the STOTT PILATES SPX Workout Reformer
The Open Press (press release)
Bowie, MD (OPENPRESS) January 12, 2012 – WorkoutHealthy.com is your best option anytime you are out looking for the best workout equipment to use in your gym and STOTT PILATES SPX Workout Reformer is one among the many that you can buy from our stores.

Here is the original post:
Introducing the STOTT PILATES SPX Workout Reformer – The Open Press (press release)

Letters from our readers
World Socialist Web Site
I eat health food and practice Pilates regularly, as well as walking and climbing stairs every day. That said, the idea that the insertion of stents can be

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Letters from our readers – World Socialist Web Site