Stars' Brenden Morrow on pilates, 'reversals' and a lockout perk
Dallas Morning News (blog)
So, spin classes and Pilates work, eh…has this really helped you? Morrow: Definitely. It just continues a lot of the core work I have done over the summer, and pilates forces you to strengthen areas of your neck and back that you normally wouldn't use

See the original post here:
Stars’ Brenden Morrow on pilates, ‘reversals’ and a lockout perk – Dallas Morning News (blog)

Gyrokinesis dubbed yoga for dancers
Originally called yoga for dancers, this fitness regime draws some of the benefits derived from dance, Pilates, swimming, tai chi and yoga. It's not an aerobic exercise, but it does get your muscles and joints moving, forces you to breathe properly and

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Read more from the original source:
Gyrokinesis dubbed yoga for dancers –