Not many people can claim to have been responsible for one of the biggest fitness crazes in the UK, but Alan Herdman can. Credited with introducing Pilates into the country back in the ’70s, Herdman still teaches Pilates today and remains it’s biggest advocate. Firmly believing that to understand something you must go back to the source, we stole ten minutes with Alan for him to impart some diet …

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The locker room: Chatting with Pilates guru Alan Herdman

Not many people can claim to have been responsible for one of the biggest fitness crazes in the UK, but Alan Herdman can. Credited with introducing Pilates into the country back in the ’70s, Herdman still teaches Pilates today and remains it’s biggest advocate. Firmly believing that to understand something you must go back to the source, we stole ten minutes with Alan for him to impart some diet …

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The locker room: Chatting with Pilates guru Alan Herdman

A path to well-being – Geneva Sun

A path to well-being
Geneva Sun
Today he is the part owner of Fox River Pilates Center in Geneva, certain that three weeks of Pilates back in 2002 did more good for him than three years of

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The rest is here:
A path to well-being – Geneva Sun