
This new Pilates-boxing hybrid makes you 'sleek, sexy, powerful'
Piloxing, the workout that has taken Hollywood by storm and empowered women the world over, is finally going mainstream in the Philippines. An ingenious union of opposing disciplines, boxing and Pilates, Piloxing will be offered at Gold's Gym branches …

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This new Pilates-boxing hybrid makes you ‘sleek, sexy, powerful’ – AsiaOne

Now anyone can jab like a lady, punch like a man, and burn tons of calories along the way. Piloxing, the workout that has taken Hollywood by storm and empowered women the world over, is finally going mainstream in the Philippines.

Read the original here:
This new Pilates-boxing hybrid makes you ‘sleek, sexy, powerful’

As I saw it I had two options. Was I going to be happy carrying around thirty extra pounds for the rest of my life? Or was I finally going to deal with losing that weight and keeping it off?

Read the original post:
Kristen Houghton: Saying Good-bye to the ‘Fat’ Girl: Losing Weight Only for Myself