Emily Mayfield shares 3 go-to fitness moves for women  WKYC.com

Read the original post:
Emily Mayfield shares 3 go-to fitness moves for women – WKYC.com

Brewing beer, what’s new in Pilates with Emily Mayfield and a new Ohio drivers license proposal: Tuesday’s Lunch Break with Jay Crawford  WKYC.com

Read more from the original source:
Brewing beer, what’s new in Pilates with Emily Mayfield and a new Ohio drivers license proposal: Tuesday’s Lunch Break with Jay Crawford – WKYC.com

Emily Mayfield tries Cleveland’s coolest Pilates-inspired workouts  WKYC.com

Emily Mayfield tries Cleveland’s coolest Pilates-inspired workouts – WKYC.com

Emily Mayfield tries Cleveland’s coolest Pilates-inspired workouts  WKYC.com

Here is the original post:
Emily Mayfield tries Cleveland’s coolest Pilates-inspired workouts – WKYC.com