Joe Abunassar Q&A: ‘We can really tell when a player will break out’  Hoops Hype

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Joe Abunassar Q&A: ‘We can really tell when a player will break out’ – Hoops Hype

Healthy spending on vitamins, active wear and gyms

It’s enough to make you break out into a sweat — active Aussies are spending up to $250 a month in the quest to be fit and healthy.

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Healthy spending on vitamins, active wear and gyms –

Tournament doctor: Get back in shape before you get back on the court
Winston-Salem Journal
If following the Winston-Salem Open has inspired you to break out that old tennis racket again, Dr. Walt Curl has some advice before you start back up: Consider a class in Pilates or yoga. Curl, an orthopedic surgeon for Wake Forest Baptist Medical

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Tournament doctor: Get back in shape before you get back on the court – Winston-Salem Journal

If following the Winston-Salem Open has inspired you to break out that old tennis racket again, Dr. Walt Curl has some advice before you start back up: Consider a class in Pilates or yoga.

Original post:
Tournament doctor: Get back in shape before you get back on the court