80Bites Diet Ruins Your Efforts at Intuitive Eating
Diets In Review (blog)
This concept is behind the new 80Bites Diet created by registered dietitian Meredith Luce, MS and Pilates instructor Joan Breibart. The 80Bites Diet is promoted as a way to permanently retrain how your body feels hunger, teach it to eat slower,

Go here to see the original:
80Bites Diet Ruins Your Efforts at Intuitive Eating – Diets In Review (blog)

Gear Review: Perfect Core Tank by Lucy
FitSugar.com (blog)
The Pilates instructor in me knows that we can all use a little help remembering to keep our abs engaged. I was intrigued by the technology behind the new

See the article here:
Gear Review: Perfect Core Tank by Lucy – FitSugar.com (blog)