She played a comically brusque lawyer on Fox's “Ally McBeal,” one of “Charlie's Angels” in two films and a fictionalized version of herself on HBO's “Sex and the City,” but Lucy Liu is more than the sum of her acting parts. She also is a passionate human-rights advocate, author and artist. To…

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Lucy Liu embraces elements of meditation, fitness and napping

She played a comically brusque lawyer on Fox's “Ally McBeal,” one of “Charlie's Angels” in two films and a fictionalized version of herself on HBO's “Sex and the City,” but Lucy Liu is more than the sum of her acting parts. She also is a passionate human-rights advocate, author and artist. To…

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Lucy Liu embraces elements of meditation, fitness and napping


Ira Rennert worries neighbors with Pilates studio plan for Sagaponack home
Billionaire Ira Rennert, whose 64,389-square-foot Hamptons home is bigger than the White House, says he needs more room — for a Pilates studio. Not everyone is happy. “Enough already,” said Linda Bird Francke, an author and year-round resident sinceĀ 

Ira Rennert worries neighbors with Pilates studio plan for Sagaponack home – Newsday

Are Yoga and Pilates Bad for You?

Santa Barbara author and chiropractor says they can be.

Here is the original post:
Are Yoga and Pilates Bad for You?