Thinking Clearly

Online Workout: 15 Unique Workouts Launched
Thinking Clearly
Mari Winsor who is renowned as “Queen of Pilates” and Susannah Cotrone, a well known Pilates instructor, together launched this online fitness workout program. Now the members can login to and start their workout,

Original post:
Online Workout: 15 Unique Workouts Launched – Thinking Clearly

Anytime, Anywhere Pilates Health
Did you think you could escape your Pilates exercises so easily? Not a chance. True, work may not be the best place to get on the floor and start rolling like a ball, but Pilates is not just about specific exercises. It is about carrying the Pilates

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Anytime, Anywhere Pilates – Health

Runner’s knee (Business Examiner)

As spring is just around the corner all of you runners out there are likely gearing up to get out on the roads and start your training once again. As always when getting back into an activity the key is to do it gradually so that your body can adjust to the new level of stress. Hopefully you have done some type of cross training over the winter whether it be weight training, pilates, yoga or …

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Runner’s knee (Business Examiner)